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Exercises to Boost Testosterone Levels
May 27th, 2014
Men who have low testosterone levels are at a greater chance of depression, heart disease and even dementia. Even though testosterone levels start to drop when a man is in his late 20s, there are certain exercises that can be combined with male hormone therapy to help increase testosterone levels the healthy way without having […]
How You Can Eat Healthy Over 50
May 26th, 2014
Eating healthier after 50 involves implementing simple habits that can increase your health and prevent disease. For many people, turning 50 can be particularly challenging. This is especially true for women as they struggle with hormonal changes and menopause. One of the common challenges women face is weight gain or the inability to lose weight. […]
Boost Your Testosterone Levels by Eating Healthy
May 26th, 2014
Rather than resorting to questionable herbal supplements, men will be much better off increasing their testosterone levels the healthy way with certain foods. Instead of taking chances and potentially wasting time and money with gels, head to your local grocery store or farmers market and combine your new diet with a more effective hormone treatment […]
Diet Tips for Menopause
April 29th, 2014
Diet Dos and Don’ts to help control menopause symptoms Proper diet and nutrition is always important for your health, but during menopause it becomes even more important to eat right to help respond to the hormonal and metabolic changes occurring in your body. Obviously, a healthy diet is vital for fighting the sudden development of […]
Beyond Testosterone: We Treat All Vital Hormones Affecting Male Aging
April 28th, 2014
Beating andropause requires balancing all relevant male hormones, not just raising testosterone levels Low testosterone so often mentioned in conjunction with andropause that you might think testosterone is the only hormone affecting the way you look and feel as you age. However, this is simply not true. Numerous other hormones also go into decline as […]
Your Post-Menopause Sex Life
April 27th, 2014
Menopause doesn’t have to ruin your sex life. Renew Woman™ can help. Menopause can make you feel decidedly unsexy. Besides the night sweats, hot flashes, weight gain, and hair and skin changes, you may also experience a reduction in sexual desire and enjoyment. In many cases, sex can actually be painful for post-menopausal women. The […]
Men’s Health Experts Demand Retraction of JAMA Study
April 25th, 2014
Flawed JAMA study linking testosterone treatment and heart risks continues to draw criticism Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, author of the well-regarded book Testosterone for Life and a researcher at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, is one of many men’s health experts calling for the retraction of a controversial study that may be spreading misinformation […]
Want to Delay Menopause? Quit Smoking
April 24th, 2014
Smoking not only hastens the onset of menopause but can worsen some of its symptoms By this point, everyone knows smoking is harmful for your health. However, a recent research study from the journal Menopause revealed a somewhat surprising new addition to the numerous adverse health effects of smoking: earlier onset of menopause, especially for […]
Too Much or Too Little Testosterone is Bad for Relationships
April 22nd, 2014
Balanced hormones help promote stability and satisfaction in relationships Testosterone is well known as the male hormone responsible for all the hallmarks of traditional manliness, like strength, muscle tone, energy, and sex drive. However, in order to feel your best, you don’t just need some testosterone—you need a healthy level of testosterone. Research has shown […]
Fatherhood Linked to Lower Testosterone
March 25th, 2014
Studies show that testosterone levels decline when men start families. We’ve all heard the joke about how getting married and having kids ruins your sex life. It’s certainly true that having a baby brings additional responsibilities, interrupts sleep patterns, and reduces parents’ private time together. But it turns out that there may also be a […]