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Our inclusive plans provide:
- Comprehensive lab testing every 6 months
- Oversight from your Renew Youth doctor
- Medications & supplies shipped to your home
- Health Consultation team dedicated to your success
- Starting from $249
Female Hormones
Female Hormones
Let’s cut to the chase. Estrogen is the feel-good hormone for women. You simply won’t feel your best without an adequate supply in your system.
Bioidentical progesterone is the can-do-no-wrong hormone for women. Aside from its unique benefits, it polices estrogen’s activities and keeps it safe.
Testosterone does wonderful things for a woman’s body. In particular, it fuels sex drive, improves the ability to build lean muscle mass, and stabilizes mood.
Healthy levels of DHEA are a “strong predictor” for longevity and a lower incidence of disease. It’s also the most plentiful sex hormone in the body.
The thyroid gland and its many associated hormones regulates metabolism, and can be thought of as the “traffic center” for your endocrine system.
GH is responsible for cell growth and repair throughout the body. Every cell, organ, and system within your body is impacted by this important hormone.
Cortisol is the hormone responsible for releasing adrenalin when you’re under stress. In small doses, this is a good—but too much cortisol is toxic.
Women often associate oxytocin with conception, childbirth, and lactation. But oxytocin has a sexy side. We like to call it the love hormone.