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Hair Loss in Men

Understanding Hair Loss in Men

Even though hair loss has been studied extensively for many years, surprisingly little is known about it.

At Renew Youth, 16 years of experience and common sense inform our approach. The general principle we adhere to is as follows:

  1. If hair loss begins prior to age 35, the cause is likely a strong form of testosterone called Dihydrotestosterone (or DHT).
  2. If hair loss begins after age 35, the cause is likely low thyroid.
  3. Stress is known to turn hair gray. We believe it also contributes to hair loss, regardless of age.

Causes of Hair Loss


Some testosterone in the male body regularly converts to a stronger form of testosterone called DHT. DHT is important because it fuels sex drive. However, it can also be responsible for hair loss in some men.

Obviously not all men are affected by DHT in this way. Only men who have DHT sensitive hair follicles (generally due to heredity) will experience hair loss as a consequence of DHT levels. These are generally men who begin losing their hair during their 20s.

Low Thyroid

Hair Loss can also be caused by a decline in thyroid hormone. We believe that low thyroid actually causes hair loss more often than DHT.

Thyroid-related hair loss can be stopped, usually in 7 to 14 days, by restoring thyroid to healthy levels. Many men will actually experience regrowth.

Stress and Adrenal Fatigue

Stress negatively impacts just about every system in the body. Your hair is no exception. Reducing stress and managing cortisol—be it too high or too low— are important components to preventing hair loss.

Treatment For Hair Loss in Men

The Wrong Way

Many physicians treat hair loss in men with medications that block the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

The problem with this protocol is that DHT is responsible for sex drive in men. Using these medications means choosing your hair over your sex drive. There are also documented cases of men permanently losing their sex drive as a consequence of using these medications.

The Right Way

Our doctors do not prescribe the medications mentioned above. If DHT conversion is a concern, our doctors prescribe a shampoo additive containing several ingredients that stop DHT conversion topically at the hair follicle.

Our doctors follow the following protocol:

  1. Treat thyroid deficiency (if any) by restoring thyroid hormone to healthy levels.
  2. Treat testosterone deficiency. Healthy levels of testosterone are actually good for your hair.
  3. For those with DHT sensitive hair follicles, treat hair loss externally at the hair follicle (thereby preserving sex drive).
  4. Manage stress, and treat cortisol levels if too high or too low.

Don’t let a fear of hair loss stand between you and optimal testosterone levels. Talk with us about your concerns. One size does not fit all when it comes to hair loss in men. We’ll answer your questions, and work with you on a plan that’s right for you.

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  • A typical consultation takes only 30 minutes
  • Everything you share is 100% confidential
  • We will discuss your symptoms and objectives
  • You only share what you’re comfortable sharing
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  • We are here to help you find your new you

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