Hormone Therapy in Burnsville MN Can Change Your Life
Has weight gain, hair loss, depression, or irritability made you a stranger to yourself and to your friends and family? You’re not alone. A decline in hormone production (andropause) is behind many of the common issues we associate with male aging. Men may enter andropause at different times and experience different symptoms, but the root cause is always the same: age-related hormonal imbalance. Fortunately, it is possible to arrest and even reverse your symptoms with help from Hormone Therapy in Burnsville MN.
Is Testosterone the Only Hormone to Worry About?
Testosterone is just one of the important hormones that men need to feel their best. At Renew Youth, our treatments go beyond testosterone to bring balance to all your hormones and relieve your symptoms. We also empower men to change their lifestyles with diet and exercise advice, so that they can really maximize the benefits of their therapy. We are Hormone Therapy in Burnsville MN that treats all hormonal issues.
The Truth About Hormone Therapy in Burnsville MN
It’s often the case that men turn to Hormone Therapy in Burnsville MN because they want to look younger and feel better. Though they might just have one goal in mind, there are many positive results they can experience. This includes:
- Improved Health: Hormones play an important role in the function of virtually every system in the body. For example, raising testosterone to a healthy level is considered cardio protective, and controlling estrogen can help avoid risk of prostate cancer.
- Career Advances: The low energy levels, sleep problems, and memory issues associated with andropause can have a negative impact on a man’s career. Men who have balanced their hormones with help from Hormone Therapy in Burnsville MN reported that their income increased 5 to 25 percent once they had the energy and drive to use their time effectively.
- Better Quality of Life: The reinvigorating and rejuvenating effects of andropause treatment will give you a new lease on life. For most men, all it takes is 6 weeks of treatment to begin seeing relief from all their symptoms. The “grumpy old man” with no energy for his kids, his partner, or his friends, is gone.
Evaluating Hormone Therapy in Burnsville MN
Bioidentical hormones can be misused. Therefore, you will want to check that any doctor you consider administers bioidentical hormones as part of a quality treatment protocol.
For example, Renew Youth incorporates the following safeguards when providing treatment:
- Consideration of all vital hormones
- Lab testing to determine the right dose of each hormone for each patient
- Using a compounding pharmacy to give patients the benefit of options in their treatment
- Adjusting treatment based on ongoing lab testing and how patients feel
These are just some of the options you can expect from Hormone Therapy in Burnsville MN.
You Can Self-Administer Your Treatment.
At most Low T centers, you have to actually visit the clinic every time you need a testosterone injection. As Hormone Therapy in Burnsville MN, we save you from this inconvenience. You only have to visit the doctor in person a few times per year for testing. Your treatment can be picked up at your pharmacy or delivered to your home and then self-administered. To learn more about the science behind our andropause treatments and how we can help you tackle your specific symptoms, Reach out to Renew Youth at 800-859-7511. We can provide any information you may require and connect you with a Renew Youth doctor in your local area.