Category: Renew Youth

Category: Renew Youth

Is Methylation on Your Radar?

Your DNA drives every process in your body, providing a unique set of instructions to each and every one of your cells. These instructions turn specific genes on or off, depending upon each cell’s particular function. Your cells receive these instructions by way of an...

Seven Ways to Lose Weight in the New Year

Studies show that the average American gains 1-2 pounds during each holiday season. While that may not sound like much, studies also indicate that most people never lose that holiday weight. In other words, it tends to add up year after year. The good news is that a...

Know Your Biological Age

How old are you? When asked this question, it’s likely you’re being asked about your chronological age. But there’s another way to measure age…and it provides a more meaningful story about your health. We’re talking about “biological age”. Let’s look at the difference...

Epigenetics Is Behind the Wheel

Did you know that every cell in your body has a complete copy of your DNA? Your skin cells, brain cells, muscle cells, and every other kind of cell…they all have the same blueprint for everything about you. Which begs the question: Why do the various cells in your...

New Year…Healthier New You!

The beginning of a new year is always a good time to recommit yourself to taking better care of your health. Follow are seven strategies for supporting those efforts: Maintain a Healthy Diet Good health starts with good nutrition. Try to eat a variety of healthy foods...

What Men Need to Know About Hormones

Until pretty recently, most men didn’t give their hormone health much consideration. Instead, hormone health was a topic discussed mostly among women. And yet, hormone health is equally important to men as it is to women. Regardless of your gender, hormones regulate...
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